grOH! Standards: Intentional Design

visual example of design that displays groh standards and our intentional design practices

When adults design a space for themselves, what do they focus on? Their needs; the certain things necessary so their environment can serve them appropriately. Kids’ needs change so rapidly that it’s difficult to know how to serve their needs in a continually interesting way.

Intentionally designed spaces that engage kiddos’ minds and create opportunities to learn, spaces that are easy to clean up and keep organized, surroundings that encapsulate attention for hours, are all grOH! standards. 

Here are some of grOH’s top design principles:


Safety is number one, always! This is vital for gross motor features like monkey bars, but this also includes using non-toxic materials, rounded edges on furniture, secure fixtures, and adequate lighting. We intentionally minimize potential hazards and create a space that allows children to explore and play without unnecessary risks.

Open-Ended Design

Designing for different age groups requires an understanding of their developmental milestones and interests. However, the foundation of the playroom like an, art space, active space, fort, or small hangout nook are all interesting to kids of all ages. The structure doesn’t change but the products and materials change as your kids mature and gain new skills!

Play and Learning Zones:

We design spaces that invite imaginative play, creativity, and discovery throughout every stage of development. We also incorporate areas for active play, quiet reading corners, art stations, and spaces for social interaction. Clearly define different zones within the room to help children understand the purpose of each area.


We can’t be afraid of color! It’s what makes spaces so inviting for everyone! Using an intentional color palette that is visually appealing but not over-stimulating is the grOH! standard. Color can also be incorporated through wall art, furniture, and fun decor!

Storage and Organization

grOH’s signature organizational infrastructure is a game-changer. Homes and their systems almost always cater to grownups exclusively. We understand the necessity for systems that serve the entire family. Kid-clutter is REAL and we set up home-wide infrastructure everyone can use to keep kid-clutter at bay!

Flexibility and Adaptability

Children's needs change as they grow, so designing spaces that can adapt to their evolving needs is what we do best! Play spaces can easily serve kids for 5-10+ years when the foundation works!

Family Traditions & Goals

Every family is unique! During the design process, the grOH! team takes into account every tradition, goal, routine, and more that the family shares with us!

Sustainability and Eco-consciousness

A core value of grOH! is to prioritize sustainable design practices with eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient lighting, and incorporating elements of nature where possible.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

All kiddos deserve a place to play! We ensure that every space is accessible to all children by incorporating design elements that promote inclusivity, such as adjustable furniture and sensory-friendly features.

Intentional design for children's interiors involves creating spaces that are specifically tailored to meet the needs, preferences, and developmental stages of children. It aims to provide a safe, inviting, and inspiring environment that supports kiddos’ grOH-th!

Be sure to follow along with us on social for playroom tours, tips, and more!


Why the best playroom designer is an educator!


grOH-to Gifts for 2022