grOH-ing Together: Meet the Social Media Expert Championing the grOH! Community

Every now and then, we experience full-circle moments. I like to think it’s a nod from the universe letting you know you’re on the right path. For me, connecting with grOH! Playrooms felt like one of those moments…

Hi! I’m Sarah, grOH’s social media guru and I can’t wait to share my story with you all.

I nannied for 5 years - throughout my time as an undergrad at the University of Florida, and while starting my digital marketing agency, Bound Social, the year I graduated from college. It was a huge part of my life! I loved building relationships with families and their little ones, and I still keep in contact with so many of them. So, of course, when grOH! Playrooms inquired about social media management, my interest was immediately piqued.

As they explained their purpose to me, I kept envisioning all of the families I had nannied for, and how their kiddos (and grownups!) would have just LOVED to have a space designed by the grOH! team.

I know creative little Penny would thrive with her own Maker Space.

Energy-filled Oliver would be over-the-moon with a Gross Motor Area.

Haydn and her wildly imaginative brain would find so many ways to play in a Mini Fort.

I needed everyone to know about this hidden gem of a small business!

As elated I was when grOH! Playrooms agreed to hire me as their social media manager, I was also FILLED with nerves. What if I didn’t live up to their expectations? How could I come up with so many new, creative ideas every week? Could I accurately convey this amazing business to hundreds of thousands of people? Or even MORE? I had come down with a classic case of imposter syndrome. Nonetheless, I got to work.

I planned their first batch of content, and sent it over to Anne for approval. I will never forget her reaction to that first batch of content… She was delighted. I remember her using the words “I could cry, I am so happy!!!” Which honestly - could have made me cry! 

After the first couple of weeks of managing their account, one of our videos reached almost 3 MILLION people! Not only that, but all of the posts were consistently performing better, and we’ve continued to see growth, month over month, on all platforms.

Their community was grOH-ing right before my eyes.

I realized I was the catalyst for grOH! to reach all of the Pennys, Olivers, and Haydns of the world! 

While I pride myself on staying up-to-date on the ever-changing social media algorithms and best practices, I can’t take all of the credit. Anne, Brooke, and the rest of the team at grOH! Playrooms placed all of their trust in me. They told me, “You be the boss of social media. If you want to try something, try it. We trust you.” (Music to a social media manager’s ears!) They gave me a plethora of educational content to sort through and any resource I needed to become well-versed with the complex world of parenting, child development, and their design principles. 

The combination of their immense trust, close collaboration, and wealth of knowledge has empowered me to take their already-wonderful online community, and grOH! it into something even more meaningful!

Creating an online experience that authentically showcases the passion and values behind grOH! Playrooms has been one of the greatest highlights of my journey as a small business owner. Connecting with families all over the world, sharing the power of purposeful play, and being able to help another female-owned business succeed all continue to create my magical full-circle moments.

I’m so honored to work with such an amazing team of people, and I cannot wait to see where we continue to grOH!


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